31 Fun Facts about Renae (because it's her 31st birthday)

I, Carla Cowley (better known as Renae’s Mom or Momma Bear), being of sound mind (well, I have raised three kids, the last being Renae and you can fill in the blanks on that subject), and body (well, I am pretty used up with all of the horse shows, rodeos, queen contests, reining shows, posse events, parades, etc. I have been to over the last 25 years), do hereby swear and attest that I did indeed give birth to her on the 18th of November, 1988, and realizing I could never improve on this third model of Carla Cowley babies, decided to make her my baby forever.

In honor of her 31st birthday, I have accumulated 31 “fun facts” about Renae which may have been previously unknown to many of you. It is with humility, nostalgia, wonderment, laughter, and tears that I share them with you.

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1.      Renae made her entrance at a robust 9 lbs. with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, which she still has. After a couple of hours, she decided to create some drama when she stopped breathing. She was  admitted to the NICU and after languishing in unconsciousness for about 36 hours in a row of isolettes with two and three pound babies attached to a melee of wires and machines. So how did it end? She just woke up – no explanation – just woke up. She always liked to make a dramatic entrance.

2.      Renae was very articulate and communicative before she was even two. She learned her letters and numbers and was beginning to read at the age of three.  I tried to warn her kindergarten teacher that she was very bright and may need to be challenged. I was dismissed forthwith by the teacher who thought I fancied my child a prodigy. A few weeks later, Miss Teacher called me to say she wanted to put Renae in first grade because of her advanced skills. She acted like it was her original idea. She even suggested Renae might be ready for second grade. I said no. Thus, Renae skipped a grade in school.

3.      Renae’s favorite color has always been pink – hot pink, baby pink, rosy pink, coral pink, light pink, sparkly pint – PINK !  Funny think, though, she hardly ever wears anything pink.

4.      Junior high, - wisdom teeth extraction day. After the procedure, Renae stops breathing AGAIN !! This girl refuses to be unnoticed. Out comes the oxygen mask and smacking her cheeks when she finally opens her eyes. But she doesn’t know where she is and doesn’t recognize her mother and recoils in terror when I try to approach her. Then she starts making passes at the really cute male dental assistant and speaking Spanish. She had not even had a full semester of junior high Spanish. She also went into a sobbing fit claiming her beloved horse Venus was dead. Venus was not dead. I brought Venus right up to the deck where she could see her so she would be reassured. Any volunteers for the next time Renae needs surgery?

5.      Renae wore braces in junior high – and headgear!! Yes, it’s true. I have pictures.

6.      Renae started her equine journey at age 9 on a cheap, short, stubby, thick-nicked, no breeding whatsoever two year old mare we called Venus. Venus became a wonder horse. She started 4-H on her and she won, She queened on her and she won. She reined on her and she was respectable. She junior posse’s on her and she won.  Renae can ride Venus without a saddle or bridle through all three gaits, turn both directions, back, spin, stop, flying lead change, and can even bow. And sweet Venus still lives at our house happy, healthy, and well-loved.

7.      Renae graduated from Woods Cross High School with honors, Utah State University with honors in communication and a minor in marketing, then received her MBA from Texas A & M Commerce with honors. This was accomplished while working a full-time job that often requires 60 hours plus a week, keeping her herd of horses in fighting trim, and working on campaigns.

8.      Life Flight, a medical transport and rescue helicopter with Intermountain Health Care has the only certification in the state to do hoist rescues. This involved recurrent training in real life situation and terrain. The medical and aviation crew are on site but volunteers are needed for the “rescue dummies”. Renae steps up and is forthwith hoisted 50-100 feet in the air in a harness and a basket over cliffs and steep terrain. She lived.

9.      Renae once participated on a military appreciation tour at the invitation of Wrangler to bring military equine training and rodeo fun to the troops in California. One dude dared Renae to ride a bucking horse in for the troops and in the rodeo. This guy obviously did not know with whom he was dealing. She donned the protective vest and said “let ‘em out” and rode that bronc for 4-5 seconds until the pickup man got her off. Yes, it’s true. I have the video. Long hair going every which way!!!

10.   Elvis is Renae’s muse. Even though he died eleven years before she was born, she has the other-worldly connection to him. As a 9 year old, she cried at his grave, she sings along to his greatest hits CD, and she required me to have a reference to Elvis in almost all of her rodeo queen speeches. In her reality, Elvis will NEVER leave the building.

11.   While a student at Utah State, Renae carried her rescued miniature Shih Tzu with an Aggie neckerchief across the stage to receive her diploma. She also had concealed Griffin in her backpack while attending class on many occasions. The only problem was he never did his homework.

12.   Renae would hardly boil noodles when growing up, but now she loves to cook and is especially adept at baking. She makes the most delicious dinner rolls and pumpkin spice cookies.

13.   Renae has a concealed carry permit, she has the weapon with her, and she knows how to use it – don’t mess with her.

14.   After winning approximately 29 rodeo queen titles, Renae earned the esteemed title of Miss Rodeo Utah in 2008, and was in the Top Five at Miss Rodeo America. She was robbed, says her mother and many other family and friends and total strangers who were there. But her year was a highlight of her life. She loves rodeo and she loves her home state of Utah and she shined with the title.

15.   Renae had a personal relationship with her extensive wardrobe as Miss Rodeo Utah. To easily differentiate each outfit, she named them – Elizabeth, Audrey, Stevie, Roy Rogers, Brent, etc. Each name had a special significance to the outfit.

16.   I was able to procure the personalized license plate “CWGRL” for Renae’s Utah State graduation. Can you believe it was even available? She has had it on several vehicles, and I am pretty sure no one else will EVER have that plate. I also gave her my “SDLUP” plate – I know!! Also available?!?! – for her truck. So if you ever see either one of these Utah plates, yep, it’s her!

17.   Renae claims to be a vegetarian – something to do with the texture or something. Other than broth, gravy, chicken flavored Top Ramen, my homemade chicken nuggets, and a couple of steaks a year, she is a “vegetarian”. She wants it made perfectly clear that she is NOT OPPOSED to agricultural propagation of meat for human consumption, just a picky eater.

18.   Renae was honored by the prestigious Utah Business Magazine as one of the “Twenty in their Twenties” most influential business professionals in the state. She was recognized with a fancy banquet, video accolades from colleagues, a framed certificate, and an article in the magazine.

19.   Renae is proud to work with Foxley & Pignanelli as a lobbyist and campaign consultant. She has raised millions of dollars for clients and represents some of the most influential organizations and businesses in Utah. If you live in this state, your everyday life is somehow affected by legislation that her fingerprints are all over.

20.   Renae proudly reps her western heritage by often wearing boots and cowgirl chic attire on Capital Hill. Indeed, she is known as the “Cowgirl” by legislators and colleagues.

21.   Stryker has had a “glamour photo” taken with Renae on the grounds of the Utah State Capital. She may or may not have gotten in trouble with law enforcement for this.

22.   Renae set up a hammock in Stryker’s stall and slept with him all night when he was going through some medical issues. When her little puppy Stella had a traumatic leg fracture, she defied the vet’s recommendation to either euthanize Stella or amputate her leg and opted instead to finance very expensive specialized surgery to save Stella’s life and restore her leg. She treats her animals like family.

23.   Renae has attended the Republican National Convention, Kentucky Derby, Breeder’s Cup (where she still appears in a recurring TV commercial, the CMA’s, Puerto Rico, Great Britain, the Trump Inaugural Ball, the Inaugural parade where she sat only a few rows behind the President and First Lady in their private box, and the Super Bowl.

24.   Knowing I love live performances, she has taken me to Shania Twain, James Taylor and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Donnie and Marie, Dustin Lynch, the Forgotten Carols with Michael McLean, Kurt Bestor, Les Miserables at the Hale Center Theater, Manheim Steamroller, Piano Guys, George Strait, and we had great tickets to the Transiberian Orchestra but we forgot to go. True story.

25.   Renae owns over 60 pairs of boots. Apparently, this is not enough because she still brings home new pairs all the time that call her name.

26.   Growing up, and before horses, I put Renae in dance, gymnastics, T-ball, soccer, piano, and theater arts trying to find what she loved and was good at. Then we got horses – EUREKA! I have thanked her often for not being very good at soccer.

27.   Renae has always loved 4-H and credits it with many attributes that have contributed to her professional and rodeo success. She still gives back to 4-H with her time and financial support.

28.   Renae took first place in the State of Utah for public speaking in FFA and 4H. At the national 4H competition in Denver, she placed 4th overall. She is regularly called upon to do public speaking to a plethora of groups and organizations.

29.   Renae loves the vintage sitcom “Designing Women”. She identifies with Julia Sugarbaker. If you are at all familiar with the show, you will recognize the similarities, other than political persuasion.

30.   Renae loves naps, has a keen sense of smell, loves tomatoes piled in a bowl with salt, Sour Patch Kids, Cherry Pepsi, the movie “Steel Magnolias”, loves to read books of substance, and is particularly close to her Pappy, who she shares her birthday with.

31.   Renae is passionate, loyal, devoted, spontaneous, smart, creative, talented, loving, outgoing, fearless, loves learning, adventure, and football. And after 31 amazing and totally awesome years, she still takes my breath away!!!!